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Citrus aurantium

Citrus aurantium
Citrus aurantium
Citrus aurantium
Citrus aurantium
Citrus aurantium
Citrus aurantium

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Citrus aurantium

The nature of orange spring is hot and dry. Characteristics of orange spring sweat:

• Regulator of irregular heartbeat and stress and emotional states

• Tonic and anticonvulsant
• Heals lung pains
• Reducing stomach pains, reflux, nerve and muscle cramps
• Anti-cancer properties
• Reducing dizziness and eliminating hiccups
• Relieve constipation
• Reduction of menopausal symptoms
• Softens dry skin
• Strengthening the immune system

date of update price 1403/10/16

83,000 Toman

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The nature of orange spring is hot and dry, and it is very suitable for people who have a cold nature. The orange tree is planted as seeds in the initial stage and it is generally practiced in completely northern or southern regions. This tree generally survives in hot and humid areas.
Strengthening the body's nervous system and relaxation are properties of orange blossom tea. Also, this tea quickly reduces nervous headaches and migraines. Among other properties of Bahar Naranj tea, it can be mentioned to strengthen the stomach and relieve anxiety, stress and irregular heartbeat. Orange blossom tea controls seizures as well as heart attacks.

But other cases that orange products or its blossoms can affect include:
• Removes sadness and discomfort and helps to treat depression
• Regulator of irregular heartbeat and stress and emotional states
• Tonic and anticonvulsant
• Heals lung pains
• Reducing stomach pains, reflux, nerve and muscle cramps
• Anti-cancer properties
• Reducing dizziness and eliminating hiccups
• Relieve constipation
• Reduction of menopausal symptoms
• Softens dry skin
• Also, because of the high source of antioxidants, Orange Spring can strengthen the body's immune system and help relieve inflammation.
Walnut leaves are also used to treat arthritis, as a result, it is effective in treating diseases such as gout and arthritis.

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