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Useful extracts to strengthen the immune system

Useful extracts to strengthen the immune system

Useful extracts to strengthen the immune system

The immune system is one of the most complex systems of the body, which acts as a natural defense against viruses, bacteria and other harmful agents. This complex system includes cells, tissues, and organs that all work together to protect the body from disease and infection. Just like the soldiers of an army, they attack the ranks of foreign forces and improve the health of the body. The strength of the immune system is directly dependent on the weapons of its soldiers. That is, we can strengthen our immune system with a series of actions so that any type of disease does not have the ability to attack us. The stronger the immune system, the better the body can deal with external threats.

Strengthening the immune system with the help of nutrients and organic substances is one of the best natural methods to increase the body's defense power. Among them, herbal extracts, having natural compounds and many strengthening properties, are considered the most accessible way to strengthen the immune system, which will be the subject of this article from Gulab Raiha website. Stay with us.


When should we boost our immune system?

The immune system is the first and last line of defense against viruses, bacteria and various infections. Without complicated explanations, we tell you that against external threats, we only have our own immune system and nothing else! Even chemical drugs cannot eliminate diseases by themselves. Rather, they do this with some kind of doping in the immune system. It is very necessary to strengthen this system continuously and always. Especially in the face of the following:

Exposure to viruses and seasonal diseases:

 In times when the prevalence of diseases such as flu or colds is high, a stronger immune system can protect the body against these viruses.

Having stress and mental pressure:

 Constant stress has a negative effect on the immune system. When you are under a lot of stress, you need to strengthen your immune system.

After chemotherapy or serious illnesses:

People who undergo heavy treatments such as chemotherapy usually have a weakened immune system. In this situation, it is very important to strengthen the immune system, both to speed up recovery and to prevent other diseases.

Strengthening the immune system in traditional medicine
Iranian traditional medicine has long paid special attention to the use of medicinal plants and herbal extracts to strengthen the immune system. Traditional medicine is not a substitute for medical treatment, but its valuable solutions for strengthening the immune system should not be neglected. Herbal extracts with their countless natural properties give the immune system double strength to fully defend our health by mobilizing against pathogenic agents. Herbal extracts that strengthen the immune system, such as rose water, mint extract and chicory extract, are among the most famous herbs that are used in traditional medicine to strengthen the immune system.

Herbal sweat for body weakness

Body weakness usually occurs due to reduced energy levels and poor functioning of the immune system. In this situation, the consumption of herbal extracts, which have all kinds of vitamins and minerals needed by the body, help to strengthen the body and improve the functioning of the immune system. These extracts not only help the overall health of the body, but also play an important role in increasing the body's resistance to diseases by improving the function of various body systems, including digestion and liver. Using organic and original herbal extracts is a sure way to maintain and strengthen the body's immune system and is considered a natural and healthy alternative to chemical drugs.

In the following, we introduce a number of useful herbs to relieve body weakness and lethargy.

عرق گیاهی برای ضعف بدن

The properties of mint sweat for the immune system

Due to its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antioxidant properties, mint sweat can help strengthen the body and improve weakness and lethargy. Mint sweat relieves muscle pains and makes us lively and energetic by removing fatigue from the body. Also, this ordered sweat facilitates the process of food digestion and makes the body get the energy it needs more easily. Many of our weakness and moodiness are due to digestive problems, in which mint sweat can do wonders. In addition, the cooling property of mint leads to stress reduction and improved sleep, which is necessary to restore and strengthen the body's immune system.

Buy original mint juice

The properties of rose water to strengthen the immune system

Rose water has soothing and strong antioxidant properties that can help improve body weakness. Gulab helps to calm the mind and body by regulating hormones and reducing stress, which improves the physical and mental condition. Also, rose water optimizes blood circulation and oxygen delivery to cells, which plays an effective role in reducing weakness and fatigue. Regular use of rose water orally or topically helps to strengthen the immune system and increase physical strength.

Buy Gulab Kashan

Other useful spices include the following:

Thyme sweat:

This herbal sweat has strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties and it falls like a bomb on pathogenic microorganisms. Thyme sweat is highly recommended to strengthen the body's immune system, especially in the prevention and even treatment of colds and respiratory infections.


Chicory sweat:

Due to its anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties on the liver, chicory sweat can make the body more resistant to diseases and strengthen the immune system by eliminating toxins.


In Gulab Raiha store, there is a valuable potion for the liver containing a combination of five medicinal plants. We suggest you click on the link below to get to know the liver and its role in the health of all organs and tissues of the body.

Treatment of fatty liver with alcohol

Musk sweat:

With its calming and nerve strengthening properties, this sweat helps to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system and protects the body against diseases caused by anxiety.

Shatre's sweat:

Shatre helps to improve the function of the liver and digestive system, which has a positive effect on removing toxins and strengthening the body's immune system, and prevents the occurrence of internal diseases.

Ginger sweat:

 Ginger has anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties that help fight infections and diseases by increasing blood flow and improving immune system function.

The best herbal medicine to strengthen the immune system

Many herbal medicines can be found in pharmacies that, as food supplements, help to provide the body with mineral nutrients and vitamins in order to increase the strength of the immune system. Immunil Flor capsules, Green Tea Shari tablets, Diane Immune Immunes syrup, Magnifort capsules, Immunesome syrup, Venda Farmed, all kinds of effervescent tablets containing vitamin C and D, food supplement powders, etc., most of which are available without a prescription. But nothing is more useful for the body than providing tonic substances in a natural way, which we will briefly introduce in the next paragraph of this article.


What should we eat to strengthen the immune system?

برای تقویت سیستم ایمنی بدن چه بخوریم؟

Fortunately, our country has a great variety of natural medicinal plants. Regular consumption of fruits such as apples, carrots, pears, lemons; Vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbage, onions, corn, celery; All kinds of fresh vegetables, teas and herbal extracts such as rose water, mint, green tea, chicory, chamomile, shatre, etc., can provide the vitamins needed by the body, essential minerals such as zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. strengthen the body naturally (unlike chemical drugs that may have side effects)

Especially herbal spirits, natural syrups and guara, healthy and organic concoctions that have healing plant extracts, play an important role in this field. To ensure the quality and full effectiveness, it is better to buy these products from reputable companies such as Gulab Raiha, the owner of the well-known brands Qadh and Vasad.

Potion to strengthen the immune system - bomb to strengthen the immune system
As we said earlier, the strength and stability of the immune system requires a healthy and ready body. The weaker the body, the easier it is for pathogens to rebel. Therefore, we should strengthen our body so that the soldiers of our immune system, and white blood cells at the head of them, do not give foreign invaders a chance to breathe. In the meantime, the use of potions to strengthen the immune system, which is a combination of tonic plants, can shield your body against clinical diseases.

Fresh vegetable soup (antibacterial, body regeneration)

Mixture of dates, honey, walnuts (anti-cancer)

banana, honey, milk concoction (energy bomb)

Garlic and lime concoction (natural antibiotic)

Potions prepared from herbal extracts and teas (optimizing metabolism, improving digestion, calming for the central nervous system, improving heart and liver function, facilitating blood supply)

Potions prepared from herbal extracts

And many other potions that are easily available and can be prepared and eaten at home.

Reasons for weakening the immune system

Weakness of the immune system may occur for various reasons.

Some of the most important factors include:

- Constant stress and anxiety

- Unhealthy diet and lack of vitamins

- Insufficient and irregular sleep

- Smoking and alcohol consumption

- Chronic diseases

- Inactivity and obesity

- Excessive use of immunosuppressive chemical drugs

- Excessive consumption of processed foods

Symptoms of weakened immune system

Symptoms of immune system weakness include the following:

- Constant fatigue

- Frequent infections

- Long-term healing of wounds

- Digestive problems

- Frequent allergies

- Prolonging the recovery period in common diseases such as colds

The best vitamin to strengthen the immune system

Vitamin C and vitamin D are the most important vitamins that help strengthen the immune system. Consuming foods, fruits, herbal teas and spirits containing these vitamins as well as natural supplements can increase the strength of the body's immune system.


Nothing can bring about sustainable and long-term health like healthy eating and adequate exercise. Regular strengthening of the immune system makes the body easily eliminate disease agents, and over time, it remembers how to fight against these agents and produces the right antibody right on the spot. To strengthen the body's immune system, using organic and natural herbal extracts is very effective in this way. Because herbal extracts have the most interaction and compatibility with different body systems and not only make the body resistant to diseases, but also because they do not have side effects, they are an excellent alternative to chemical drugs. Long life with health is not just a wish; It depends on our own performance in strengthening this God-given system. By choosing high-quality products from companies such as Gulab Raiha, you can guarantee your health and peace.

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