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Properties of frankincense

Properties of frankincense

Properties of frankincense

Frankincense is a native plant in tropical regions, and regions such as Saudi Arabia and Oman and the eastern regions of Africa, such as Somalia, are the best habitats for its growth. Our country, Iran, is a rich region for the cultivation of most medicinal plants. Unfortunately, except for areas in the south, this climate is not very suitable for hosting the frankincense tree. For this reason, high-quality frankincense in Iran is mostly imported, and despite its amazing therapeutic properties, it is less known among Iranian people.

Frankincense plant has compound and symmetrical leaves. It has a small fruit, but its main therapeutic properties are related to the resin or gum that comes from the trunk of the frankincense tree. Frankincense gum can be consumed in three ways: food, drink and inhalation.

Frankincense gum is white in color and hardens quickly in the air. This gum has many healing properties and it is given special attention in traditional medicine. Egyptians, Iranians, Romans and Jews have been familiar with this valuable plant since ancient times. This plant was one of the most profitable businesses of that time.

Frankincense is best known for enhancing memory and treating forgetfulness. But it has countless properties that you will definitely be surprised to know. In this article, we examine the healing and strengthening properties of frankincense for the general health of the body.


Frankincense properties at a glance

The first question that comes up about frankincense is what is frankincense good for?

Below, see some of the properties of this warm plant in the form of headlines.

- Memory Improvement

- Anticancer

- Treatment of skin problems

- Disinfectants

- Speeding up the healing of wounds

- Strengthening the roots and preventing hair loss

- Anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties

- Reducing stress and anxiety

- Treatment of rheumatism

- Arthritis treatment

- Prevention of osteoporosis

- Treatment of shortness of breath and asthma symptoms

- Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

- Increasing intelligence and concentration

- Relieving blood clots

- Fat burning and slimming

- Increasing libido and treating infertility in men

- Reducing the possibility of developing cysts and tumors in women's uterus

- Uplifting and reducing symptoms of depression

- Strengthening the immune system

- Strengthening the heart and liver

- Reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides


Frankincense properties for memory

Memory is all of our identity. There is no me or me without memory. What we are is due to the recording of life experiences in the central nervous system and repeated use of these experiences. Unfortunately, diseases related to the brain are very common in human society. From Alzheimer's to dementia and Parkinson's. Even brain aging causes memory dysfunction. Through research, it has been proven that the possibility of these brain diseases can be reduced in youth. Strengthening the brain and neurons strengthens memory. One of the most important properties of frankincense is to strengthen brain nerve cells, which slows down the process of brain cell death. Regular consumption of frankincense is a vital fight against Alzheimer's disease in old age.


Frankincense properties for children's memory

A certain amount of frankincense consumption for children (a quarter of adults) increases the IQ and helps them to concentrate in solving various problems. Also, in various tests, the effect of frankincense on increasing children's memory has been observed. Frankincense consumption for pregnant mothers under the supervision of a doctor will increase the child's intelligence, ingenuity and creativity. But excessive use of it can be harmful and lead to hyperactivity in children.


Frankincense method for memory

If you mix frankincense sweat or its powdered gum with some honey, it will do wonders to boost your concentration and short and long term memory. The combination of honey and frankincense not only has multiple properties, but also moderates the bitter and gassy taste of frankincense, and makes it easier to eat.


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Frankincense consumption for memory enhancement

If you have problems with your short-term memory function, ask your doctor for the dosage of oral frankincense. Under normal conditions, consuming half a gram of frankincense powder per day can show its useful function to strengthen memory. If you have frankincense sweat, it is recommended to drink half to a cup on an empty stomach.

The duration of frankincense for memory

It is not recommended to use any medicinal plant in the long term. The organism of the human body shows a series of reactions upon the entry of certain elements. Indiscriminate and long-term use may reduce the body's ability to accept reactions and manifest itself as adverse effects. It is better to try using frankincense in the medium term. Consider a period of two to three months and at the end, evaluate the effect of it on your health by taking a blood test.

In addition, if you are taking a certain chemical drug, be sure to consult your doctor to ensure there is no drug interaction.

Frankincense consumption for students

Facilitating blood supply and, as a result, increasing oxygen reaching the active brain cells, is one of the properties found in the compounds of frankincense plant. The efficiency of the brain depends on these two factors. So Frankincense is very suitable for students and increasing their concentration and learning rate. Especially during exams when they get stressed. Frankincense increases relaxation and self-confidence in students by facilitating the flow of neurotransmitters between neurons.


Benefits of eating Frankincense in the morning fasting

All the properties of this plant are optimally released in the body when it is consumed after the body has rested during the night and is ready to start metabolic activities. The best time is fasting in the morning, which activates the body like a bomb of energy and absorbs all its positive properties.

Properties of frankincense chewing for oral health

Frankincense gum is bitter and unpleasant. But chewing it like gum is very beneficial for the general health of the body. Chew a pea-sized amount (300 to 500 mg) of this gum for half an hour. All the properties of this medicinal plant gradually enter the body. Also, chewing frankincense is very effective for removing bad breath, strengthening gums and preventing tooth decay. But due to its hot and spicy nature, it should not be overdone. Complications of excessive frankincense chewing cause ulcers in the mouth, gums and tongue in addition to skin and liver diseases.

Frankincense properties for cramps and muscle pain

Frankincense is very useful for muscle pains and muscle cramps. Pain caused by inflammation caused by trauma or cramping is not only annoying, but can also lead to disruption in daily activities. This plant increases blood circulation in damaged tissues and not only relieves pain; Rather, it accelerates tissue repair by strengthening the body's immune system.

Frankincense for the heart

Frankincense reduces and controls cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Therefore, it leads to no clogging of vascular vessels and arteriosclerosis. In this disease, lipid deposits sit on the vessel walls and disrupt the blood supply. Arteriosclerosis is a very dangerous disease that accounts for a large percentage of deaths in societies.


Frankincense anticancer properties

Frankincense is rich in antioxidants. This substance fights against destructive free radicals and thus prevents the destruction of cells and the creation of defects in DNA. Therefore, frankincense is known as a useful anti-cancer drug.

Stopping these damages also brings skin rejuvenation.


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Frankincense for the lungs

Frankincense's anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties clear the bronchi from infection and increase blood circulation and reduce inflammation. By preventing internal pulmonary hemorrhages and also reducing pain in this area, it brings the health of the vital respiratory system.

The interactions of frankincense and its properties for the lungs act like a powerful natural anti-asthma drug and greatly reduce asthma attacks and shortness of breath.

Frankincense properties for men

Frankincense is an extremely useful plant for strengthening men's sexual powers. Infertility disorders in men is a problem that can endanger marital relationships. Fortunately, this complication can be prevented and cured with traditional treatments and the use of herbal medicines since ancient times. Frankincense plant, either in the form of raw gum or in the form of frankincense sweat, strengthens sexual powers in men and greatly increases the probability of fertility. It also reduces the possibility of prostate cancer by inhibiting androgen receptors.

Frankincense properties for sperm

Sometimes infertility occurs due to a decrease in sperm production in men's bodies, and sometimes due to laziness and loss of sperm quality. Frankincense increases the number and quality of sperm and activates them by strengthening the sexual powers. As a result, the process of sperm insemination into the ovaries is facilitated and the probability of fertility increases.

Frankincense properties for premature ejaculation

The properties of Frankincense for the treatment of premature ejaculation have an indirect but highly effective effect. This medicinal plant protects the sexual organs from germs and harmful bacteria. By reducing blood cholesterol and triglycerides, it facilitates blood flow in the penis and prevents their blockage; which itself causes erection problems.


How to use frankincense for the stomach

Frankincense helps digestion by stimulating bile and facilitating the secretion of gastric juice. It also clears phlegm from the stomach. In general, frankincense is useful for all parts of the digestive system. It optimizes the taste and increases the pleasure of eating. People who have irritable bowel syndrome must use the unique properties of this herbal treatment.

The method of consumption for the stomach is best in the form of chewing frankincense gum. But drinking frankincense can also be quite fruitful in this regard.

Frankincense properties for the uterus

Controlling the estrogen hormone level is the most important effect of frankincense for female diseases. Menstrual disorders, creating cysts in the uterus, increasing the possibility of uterine cancer and post-menopausal tumors, decreased libido, etc. are only part of the problems caused by estrogen imbalance in women.

Frankincense also plays an important role in women's health by cleaning the mucous membrane of the uterus.


Frankincense properties for the skin

Frankincense is considered as a skin rejuvenator in traditional medicine. This plant helps to repair dead skin cells and reduce wrinkles, especially if its oil is used locally. This plant acts as a skin softener by increasing the hydration of the cells. By facilitating the blood supply to the capillaries, it can help to reduce the scars of surgery and fade away pimples and acne. Frankincense is a natural antiseptic and is useful for healing wounds and cuts, and speeds up the healing process.

In addition, many skin spots are caused by liver dysfunction, especially complications caused by fatty liver. Frankincense can be a miracle for treating skin spots by strengthening the liver, reducing fat and removing toxins from it. Regular rubbing of frankincense oil on the skin wart is also a cure for this condition.

Frankincense sweat properties for weight loss

Another proven property of frankincense is its slimming property. Complications caused by overweight have seriously faced public health with the risks and staggering costs of treatment. Slimming for body beauty and health has become an important goal among people. The following are just some of the properties of frankincense for weight loss:

- Helping to digest food better by improving the function of the digestive system and strengthening bowel movements

- Treatment of digestive problems such as flatulence

- Improving bile function and gastric juice production

- Loss of appetite due to the warm nature of frankincense

- Increasing body metabolism, breaking down fat tissue and using cellular fat reserves, reducing carbohydrate absorption

- Contains guggolesterone to improve the function of the thyroid gland

- Reducing cholesterol and increasing fat burning

- Strengthening the liver and cleansing the body of toxins


Frankincense properties for the nerves

One of the great features of this medicinal plant is to facilitate the functioning of acetylcholine, which is responsible for the transmission of data between nerve cells and can bring relaxation to the nerves like drugs. It also increases the release of dopamine hormone in the brain and reduces depression and anxiety.

The role of frankincense in improving sleep and relieving insomnia is very colorful and it directly affects the mood and soothes the nerves.


Frankincense sweat and how to use it

Frankincense oil is one of the derivatives of this plant. Frankincense extract, like all herbal extracts, is obtained during the distillation process from different parts of this plant. The best way to consume frankincense is to drink frankincense sweat. This method is more compatible with the physiological interactions of the body, and brings far fewer side effects.

You can order high quality frankincense mug from Gulab Raiha company.


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The way to use it is to drink half or one glass every morning on an empty stomach.

It should be noted that the consumption of frankincense should be moderate. For example, it should be consumed in a period of three months and the next periods should be started with a break of several months.

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