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Prevention and treatment of stomach ulcers with herbal extracts

Prevention and treatment of stomach ulcers with herbal extracts

Prevention and treatment of stomach ulcers with herbal extracts

Stomach ulcer is one of the diseases of the digestive system, which causes open ulcers in the inner wall of the stomach, the end of the esophagus and the beginning of the small intestine; appears Our digestive system, like any other system of the body, may face problems and diseases throughout our life, which will reduce the quality of life. Stomach diseases such as flatulence, inflammation and swelling, peptic ulcer, reflux, indigestion, etc., are all caused by malfunctioning of this sensitive system.

We are all familiar with the miracles of herbal extracts as natural healers of diseases and ailments. Many herbal extracts, having natural antibiotics, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory and soothing substances, can prevent the occurrence of stomach diseases such as stomach ulcers or even have a therapeutic role.

In this article, we want to examine the role of herbal extracts in the prevention and treatment of stomach ulcers.


What is a stomach ulcer?

Gastric ulcer is one of the widespread digestive diseases that affects the stomach, duodenum or duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) and sometimes in the esophagus. Stomach ulcer occurs when the mucosa of this organ of the digestive system is damaged or injured, which is accompanied by burning and pain. Because the stomach is an active muscle in moving and secreting acid, stomach ulcers usually heal later than other wounds in the body.

The occurrence of this annoying disease has various causes. In the past decades, it was found that the main cause of stomach ulcers is the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. The stomach has a protective layer to resist the powerful stomach acid. By damaging this protective layer, this bacterium causes the stomach mucosa to be exposed to acid secretion and become ulcerated. Excessive use of non-corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, etc. is also another important cause of inflammation and stomach ulcers.

In the past, it was believed that some substances in the diet, such as spices, pepper, spicy and hot substances, stress and anxiety, as well as smoking, cause stomach ulcers. But these cases alone are not the cause of stomach ulcer, but they aggravate it and make the healing time longer.


How long does stomach ulcer treatment take?

Stomach ulcer can be treated only by observing the patient's diet and adhering to the prescribed medicines of the specialist doctor. Stomach acid is one of the most corrosive and strongest known acids. The type of cells lining the stomach lining is resistant to the corrosiveness of this acid. The mysterious Helicobacter bacterium feeds on this coating, exposing the inner mucosa directly to stomach acid.

If we leave the stomach ulcer, it gets worse day by day. If we notice it when the first symptoms appear, we should start treatment by avoiding the consumption of hot substances, spicy spices, pickles and acidic substances, smoking, etc. and use herbal extracts useful for stomach ulcers. Also, immediately start specialized treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Basically, the doctor starts the treatment by prescribing antibiotics to fight Helicobacter, and other drugs to facilitate digestion and strengthen the stomach muscles. If we are lucky and the wound is in the early stages, it may take about two to three months to be treated with the mentioned methods. But when the wound has spread and increased in number, complete treatment may take years. But therapeutic measures effectively reduce the complications and prevent the development of gastric ulcer.


درمان زخم معده چقدر طول میکشد؟

Stomach ulcer symptoms

- Burning and pain in the stomach

- Nausea and vomiting

- Bloating and accumulation of wind in the stomach

- Indigestion and reluctance to eat

- Presence of blood in stool and vomit

- Severe heartache

- Weight loss

- Dizziness and fatigue


Home treatment of gastric ulcer in traditional medicine

traditional medicine that has always had home remedies for diseases; It also has effective solutions for treating stomach ulcers. Of course, we should know that traditional medicine solutions for the home treatment of gastric ulcer play a complementary role in the treatment, and the main treatment must be done under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

- Consumption of substances containing probiotics

- Adjusting the diet, avoiding spicy and hot foods, consuming whole grains, fresh vegetables, various vitamins

- Aerobic sports such as walking

- Avoid activities that cause stress and anxiety

- Sufficient and appropriate rest and sleep

- Avoiding smoking and alcoholic beverages

- Using vegetable oils such as olive oil and sweet almond oil

- Consuming herbal extracts tonic for the stomach and digestive system

- Acupuncture to reduce stomach acid

Also, treatment of gastric ulcer with hot water is highly recommended in traditional medicine. Drinking hot water on an empty stomach removes toxins from the digestive system and improves problems such as indigestion, constipation and bloating. Also, by strengthening the immune system and preventing the activity of free radicals, it can prevent stomach ulcers.


Which sweat is good for stomach reflux?

Gastric reflux is a relatively common and annoying phenomenon. We all experienced it and call it sour. Gastric reflux means the return of stomach contents into the esophagus, which causes burning in the chest and back of the sternum due to the presence of stomach acid.

Herbal extracts play an important role in strengthening stomach muscles and digestion. Also, with the property of soothing the central nerves, they improve the function of the lower stomach sponge and make it resistant to the leakage of stomach contents into the esophagus.


Which sweat is good for stomach acid?

The best herbal extracts for treating an acidic stomach are: ginger extract, rose water, rosemary extract, cumin extract, licorice extract, chicory extract, forty herb extract.

Pay attention to spices that have a pungent character, such as mint, although they are very useful for strengthening the digestive system, but they intensify the symptoms of ulcers and stomach reflux.

Spirits for nervous stomach ache
Nervous stomach pain is an unpleasant state of heartache, pain and distress. Sometimes the stomach and digestive system is completely healthy and does not have any dysfunction. But when a person is in sensory-emotional states such as sadness, anger, excitement, anxiety, panic, fear and worry; It faces complications such as severe pain and heartburn, nausea and dizziness, muscle cramps, indigestion, flatulence, anxiety and distress, etc. These unpleasant side effects are called nerve pain.

Many medicinal plants with soothing effect on the nervous system can prevent the occurrence of nerve pain in the stomach. The most important herbal extracts in this field are: rose water, mint extract, aloe vera extract, licorice extract, chicory extract, chamomile extract, burdock extract, ginger extract.

It is also recommended to consume many of these plants in the form of tea.

The sweat of forty plants, which we will introduce in the next paragraphs, is the best option for relieving stomach ache.

Potion for stomach pain and digestion cup
We introduce you another amazing potion that has healing properties for digestive system diseases and stomach ailments. Kadh Six Digestive Plants Potion is another product of Golab Raiha Company, which is undoubtedly one of the strongest herbal potions to strengthen the digestive system.

This potion is produced with a special formulation by the experts of Golab Raiha Company, with the aim of strengthening the stomach and the health of the digestive system. The potion of six plants is a combination of the sweat of plants such as mint, fennel, thyme, oregano, cinnamon, horseradish...

The potion of six plants with useful minerals and vitamins, antioxidants, probiotics, etc.; It balances the body's metabolism and creates a strong barrier against diseases by increasing the body's immunity.


The properties of the potion of six herbs

- Control and recovery of gastric ulcer

- Treatment of gastric reflux

- Soothing the nerves and relieving stomach ache

- Strengthening bowel movements and stomach muscles

- Reliever of nausea

- Anti-constipation

- Relieves digestive pains

Buy a potion for digestion and stomach cup


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Rose water to prevent stomach ulcers

There are few people who do not know Gulab, the popular and popular herbal spirit. Its many properties for calming and soothing nerves, balancing body metabolism, strengthening internal organs such as heart, liver, stomach and kidney have even been approved by medical science.

An important thing to know about rose water and stomach ulcers is the use of this useful liquid to prevent stomach ulcers. Especially for stomach, nerve pain, which can eventually cause ulcers in the stomach lining. But rose water is not useful for treating gastric ulcer and can even aggravate it. So, if you have peptic ulcer, refuse to use rose water because of its hot nature.

Harms of rose water for the stomach

Rose water in itself is a tonic for the stomach. It strengthens the stomach muscles and regulates digestion by increasing the secretion of bile. Therefore, the contents of the stomach easily reach the next stages of digestion and prevent diseases such as acid reflux and even peptic ulcers. But the harm of rose water is when the stomach has an ulcer. Also, in digestive diseases such as diarrhea and severe bloating, the side effects of using rose water are more than its benefits.

In general, remember these two sentences: 1- Rose water is a cure for nervous stomach pain. But it is not suitable for other digestive diseases. 2- Rose water is miraculous for preventing all digestive diseases.

How to use rose water for the stomach

To prevent digestive and stomach diseases, you can add some quality rose water to tea or other natural drinks and drink it two to three times a day. You can even dilute rose water with water and add some honey to it. Note that drinking rose water before going to sleep is very relaxing. Reducing tension and stress caused by drinking rose water cures ailments such as stomach ache and nervousness.

Buy original Kashan rose water

Chicory sweat for stomach reflux

Chicory sweat is rich in beneficial probiotics for the body. These beneficial bacteria mobilize the body's immune system to deal with digestive system diseases. Chicory sweat reduces the level of acidity in the stomach, so it is very useful for problems such as indigestion and especially gastric reflux.

How to use chicory juice for the stomach

Consuming too much chicory sweat replaces its beneficial properties with side effects such as reflux and stomach acidification, bloating and abdominal pain. Eat chicory sweat on an empty stomach. Because of its cold nature, it is better to mix it with a little water and honey or eat it with dates.

Is peppermint sweat good for stomach ulcers?

no Direct consumption of mint juice can delay the treatment of gastric ulcer or spread this complication. Peppermint sweat is a natural stomach booster. It reduces stomach inflammations, muscle cramps and cures problems like diarrhea and vomiting. But it is better if you have a stomach ulcer, don't use it. One of the disadvantages of peppermint juice for stomach ulcers is that the spread of stomach ulcers has a direct relationship with the increase in acid secretions. Peppermint sweat increases gastric juice. People who have stomach reflux should dilute this extract with water and eat it with honey.

پیگیری از زخم معده با عرقیات گیاهی

How to use mint sweat for the stomach

If your digestive system is healthy, you can guarantee the function and health of this important system by regular and periodic consumption of peppermint. The most effective use of peppermint is to consume it after meals. Mix half a glass of mint juice with half a glass of water and drink it after meals.

The sweat of forty herbs for gastric reflux

The sweat of forty herbs is one of the good and organic herbal products for strengthening the stomach and solving digestive problems. This product is a combination of plant extracts including oregano, fennel, borage flower, rose water, mint, cardamom, ginger, thyme, etc., which is rich in minerals and vitamins needed by the body and is very effective for mood and digestive problems. By strengthening the stomach, it solves the problems caused by bloating, indigestion and gastric reflux. It strengthens the nerves and muscles of the stomach and by smoothing the digestive function from digestion to absorption and excretion, as well as removing blockages in the intestines; The health of this important and vital device follows.

How to use frankincense for stomach ulcers

Frankincense, which is known as a plant with a thousand healing properties, is powerful in preventing and healing stomach ulcers. It is interesting to know that the daily consumption of frankincense in the amount of one gram reduces the symptoms of gastric ulcer even more than chemical drugs. In research, it was discovered that this powerful plant goes to war with stomach helicobacter. If you spend two weeks chewing frankincense gum two to three times a day, the proliferation of harmful Helicobacter bacteria in the stomach will stop. As you know, Helicobacter is the main cause of stomach ulcers.

Frankincense is effective in any form of consumption (chewing, sweating, inhalation and eating) for the treatment of stomach upset. We have already written a comprehensive article about the properties of frankincense, which you can read on our site.

Frankincense properties for memory

Note: If the level of acidity in your stomach is high and you have gastric reflux, ask your doctor about frankincense and its specific dosage.

Licorice extract for stomach ulcers
Licorice extract has a multi-functional function for treating stomach ulcers.

1- Stimulates stomach cells to produce more mucus

2- It prevents the growth of Helicobacter microorganism

These two factors have an undeniable effect directly on the healing process of gastric ulcer.

Consuming liquorice in the form of tea is also a cure for stomach ulcers.

عرقیات برای معده درد عصبی

Properties of Kalpura for stomach ulcers

Golpura is a medicinal plant with countless health benefits. Golpura is highly regarded for stomach problems. The ingredients in Kalpura are stomach tonic. It facilitates digestion by improving the slowness of stomach movements. Regulates digestive and appetite enzymes. Therefore, it is known to eliminate complications such as nausea and heartburn, flatulence and indigestion. Boil the flowers, stems and leaves of hollyhock in water for twenty minutes. Combine the obtained extract with honey and drink it after eating. This combination has a great effect in healing digestive ulcers and relieving stomach ache.

Black seed and stomach ulcer treatment

By fighting against free radicals, black seed prevents the separation of membrane lipids of stomach cells. For this reason, it increases the secretion of gastric mucus, which is the main factor in resisting the power of stomach acid. Consuming black seeds has a tremendous effect in controlling and treating stomach ulcers.

How to use black seeds for stomach ulcers

To consume black seeds, the best way is to combine it with honey. To prepare this potion, consider three spoons of honey for every one tablespoon of black seed. First, grind the black seeds in half. Do not allow it to become a powder, as the properties of the black seed are diminished by oxidation. Immediately mix half-pounded black seeds with honey. The resulting combination is a miracle for the treatment of stomach ulcers. Because black seed produces mucus and honey goes to war with Helicobacter. Take a teaspoon of the resulting concoction every day on an empty stomach.

The best tea for stomach ulcers

Among all the useful teas, it can be said that licorice tea is the most useful for treating stomach ulcers. This tea protects the inner lining of the stomach by stimulating mucus secretion. Licorice compounds make the stomach environment unsuitable for the cultivation of Helicobacter and thus prevent the growth and proliferation of this harmful bacterium.

Teas of valerian, rooibos, ginger, yarrow, fennel, spearmint, sage, dandelion, chrysanthemum, etc. are useful for preventing, controlling and treating stomach ulcers.

Breakfast for stomach ulcers
Materials that contain protein, probiotics, and fiber are a good option for breakfast for people with stomach ulcers. Whole grains, honey, boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, etc., this person should use as few spices as possible. Remove milk from breakfast due to increased secretion of stomach acid. Do not fill the stomach and use easily digestible foods.

last word

In this article, we have thoroughly investigated digestive problems, especially stomach ulcers. Gulab Raiha company with a long history in producing the best spirits and medicinal herbs with fresh, high-quality and completely organic raw materials; It is a familiar name for our compatriots in the field of family and community health. You can always visit the representatives of this company throughout the country, or visit our online store; Get the best herbal and organic products and give health to yourself and your loved ones.

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