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Ramadan perfume package

Ramadan perfume package
Ramadan perfume package

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Ramadan perfume package

Spirits suitable for Ramadan

This package consists of rose water, betel nut extract, cardamom extract and sakanjabin syrup. To quench thirst and thirst, you can use sakanjabin syrup during iftar or prepare a natural and rich drink with rose water and betel nut to supply water and substances needed by the body.

date of update price 1403/12/13
534000 Toman


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A package of spices suitable for Ramadan

Gulab Raiha Company, as the best brand of herbal spirits, has been a guest on Iranian tables in the holy month of Ramadan for many years. This year, this company has decided to provide herbal spirits specially for Ramadan at a reasonable price in the form of several packages to dear customers. In these packages, there are the most consumed spirits of Ramadan. These spirits can be used to produce a variety of syrups to quench thirst and supply the water needed by the body, and a variety of desserts such as yellow shell, halva, etc.

Spirits suitable for Ramadan
This package consists of rose water, betel nut extract, cardamom extract and sakanjabin syrup. To quench thirst and thirst, you can use sakanjabin syrup during iftar or prepare a natural and rich drink with rose water and betel nut to supply water and substances needed by the body.

Sacanjabin syrup
Sacanjabin syrup is a unique medicine for treating all kinds of diseases. Increasing the body's energy, helping blood supply, cleansing the body, quenching thirst and thirst, helping the absorption and penetration of substances in the body, strengthening the digestive system, reducing the temperature and heat of the liver, etc. are just some of the properties of Sakanjabin syrup for the month of Ramadan. .

Click to read all the properties of sakanjabin syrup.

The properties of rose water have made this herbal extract stand out among other herbal extracts. From providing water and substances needed by the body to quenching thirst, strengthening the digestive system and relieving constipation, controlling body temperature, strengthening the nervous system and reducing headaches, improving brain function, strengthening the heart, increasing blood supply, etc., some of the properties of rose water for It is the month of Ramadan.

You can read all the properties of rose water from this link.

Musk sweat
Burdock juice is a miracle worker for quenching thirst and many people prepare and consume a thirst-quenching syrup for Ramadan from the combination of water, rose water and burdock. On the other hand, burdock strengthens the digestive system and heart and increases energy. People who have a lot of daily activity in Ramadan can use betel nut sweat to prevent fatigue.

cardamom sweat
Cardamom extract is one of the most consumed extracts in the month of Ramadan and it is used for all kinds of desserts and even food, because cardamom has a warming character in addition to its soothing and strengthening properties, and for those who suffer from cold hands and feet due to fasting, Blood pressure is very suitable. On the other hand, the aroma and flavor of cardamom is unique and makes all kinds of food more delicious. For this reason, there is also cardamom in this package.

Organic spirits
By purchasing from the herbal extracts and Gulab Raheha site, you can confidently have Kashan original organic extracts and use them to improve the health of yourself and your family.

Gulab Raheha wishes you moments full of peace and spirituality along with good health.

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