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The nature of Kakuti sweat is hot and dry. Properties of Kakuti sweat:

Respiratory disinfectant
Antifungal and parasitic
Vision enhancer
Anti-diarrhea and pain in digestive disorders
Relief of joint pain and rheumatism
whooping cough
Strengthen the stomach

date of update price 1403/10/02

52,400 Toman

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Kakuti plant is one of the medicinal plants with many properties and has been used in traditional medicine. This plant is very effective in disinfecting the respiratory tract and strengthening the stomach.

The nature of Kakuti sweat is hot and dry. The effects and properties of kakuti sweat and the medicinal properties of thyme are very similar to each other, with the difference that the properties of thyme are mostly used to treat respiratory diseases, but kakuti is often used in the treatment of digestive disorders such as diarrhea and colic. The properties of kakuti in brief are: astringent, expectorant, choleretic, carminative, strengthening the body and sexual power, strengthening the stomach and absorbing food, and anti-cold.

Some medicinal properties of Kakuti sweat are:

Kakuti sweat is an antiseptic for the respiratory tract.
The use of kakuti sweat is expectorant.
One of the properties of kakuti sweat is its anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties.
This sweat strengthens vision.
One of the properties of Kakuti sweat is to relieve the pain of digestive disorders, especially heartburn, and its consumption strengthens the stomach.
Kakuti sweat is appetizing.
Kakuti sweat causes better absorption of food and does not have a negative effect on the absorption of iron from food.
Kakuti is anti-spasmodic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic and an intestinal disinfectant.
Sweat and Kakuti plant are used to relieve joint pain and rheumatism.
It is effective in treating whooping cough and bronchitis.
It is customary to use sweat and kakuti tea.

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