There are many herbal medicines in traditional medicine to relieve joint pain; We recommend you to use this herbal combination here. This herbal spirit is composed of the combination of taroneh, zenian, lavender, etc.
66,000 Toman
The most common and important cause of joint pain is inflammation of the joints.
In this disease, the bones, nerves, tissues and muscles around the joints, especially the joints of the hands and feet, get pain. And it may be due to these reasons:
1- Weakness, weakness of temperament, disability and old age.
2- Living in humid places with humid air such as by the sea.
3- Working in wet places such as bathrooms, coal mines and rice fields.
4- kidney laziness and liver weakness that cannot remove toxins.
5- Excessive eating of eggs, meat, animal products and a lot of fat, which causes the body to not be able to purify them well.
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