plantain leaf
plantain leaf
Plantain leaf juice has a cold and wet character. Its properties include: it is fattening, reduces fever and improves shortness of breath, useful for nervous diseases
52,400 Toman
Other names of plantain are Johar, Sanar, Eitham, Delb, Chenal Varas and Delba. and has a cold and dry temperament.
Plantain leaf juice is prepared from the steam distillation of plantain leaves, and it has a cold, wet and fattening character, and is used in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, and to relieve the discomfort caused by the heat in food and to strengthen the eyes. Placed.
Plantain leaf tea reduces fever and fever. Improves shortness of breath. It is useful for nervous diseases. It leads to weight gain.
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