This sweat has a moderate nature and has properties such as:
blood purifier
Cures chronic coughs
Expectorant and sore throat treatment
Strengthens the digestive system
Diarrhea cure
52,400 Toman
The scientific name Malva sylvestris is called khabazi in Arabic. It is a herbaceous plant, up to 60 cm high and stable. As a car, it grows in many places and is also cultivated for use.
Due to its high mucilaginous content, fenugreek is used as a soothing and relaxing herb, especially for inflammation, or for the urinary, digestive or respiratory tracts.
Fenugreek leaves can provide beneficial amounts of iron, as well as zinc and most vitamins.
Among its properties are blood purifier, treatment of chronic cough, expectorant and treatment of sore throat, strengthening of the digestive system and treatment of diarrhea.
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