This herbal concoction relieves constipation and is made from a combination of several herbal extracts, including senna leaves, sweet bayan, cheese, etc. Composed.
66,000 Toman
When you feel heavy and bloated, you want to get better soon and you are looking for a way to make your stomach work faster. The problem of constipation can be chronic or only occur occasionally.
If you are prone to constipation, avoid eating ice cream, cheese, meat and processed foods, as well as coffee, tea and chocolate, which contain caffeine and can cause constipation.
The use of laxatives and chemical laxatives often worsen constipation and cause anemia.
Finding herbal remedies for constipation is easy. In fact, many laxatives without a prescription contain herbal ingredients. Laxative herbs help to move the bowels and make stools come out of the body.
Senna leaf is known as a strong herbal laxative that increases bowel movements and treats constipation.
This herbal concoction relieves constipation and is a combination of several laxative herbal extracts, including senna leaves, sweet bayan, cheese, etc. Composed.
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