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Chicory sweat is cold in nature and can balance the body temperature when it gets hot. Chicory is a plant that has many health benefits. These include: reducing digestive and stomach problems, reducing arthritis pain, preventing bacterial infections, strengthening the body's immune system, reducing the risk of heart disease. It is a natural sedative that can fight kidney stones and cause weight loss. A spoonful of chicory sweat with a glass of water plays an important role in purifying the blood and cleansing the liver.

date of update price 1403/12/13

56,400 Toman

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Buy chicory sweat
Chicory plant is one of the most useful medicinal plants, whose sweat is known as the most widely used herbal spirit. Many people eat chicory sweat after consuming fatty foods, snacks, fast food, nuts and sunflower seeds to prevent acne and fatty liver. Chicory sweat is used to treat fatty liver, treat gout, purify the blood, treat hepatitis, increase nerve relaxation, lose weight and lose weight, etc.

Some properties of chicory sweat
Useful for fatty liver

Increased libido

Increasing fertility and strengthening sperm in men and women (through regulation and division of male and female chromosomes)

Increase sperm

Increase health and strengthen the heart

Improve digestion

Decreased blood sugar

Blood purification

Improvement of spots and boils

Removing belly fat


Weight controller (the most important herbal sweat for weight loss)

If you need herbal sweat potion for quick weight loss, click here.

Relieving joint swelling and inflammation

Boosting the immune system

Invigorating and stress-reducing spirits (one of the herbal spirits to relieve stress and calm the nerves)

Buy original chicory sweat
If you intend to buy the original chicory sweat, it is better to know a few things. Original chicory sweat should be produced from organic plants without human intervention. Cultivation of organic and healthy plants and then production of organic spirits, causes the absence of chemicals and pests and makes herbal spirit better effective in treating diseases and increasing human health. The use of new methods with the help of the most up-to-date devices removes human intervention from the cycle of herbal spirits production and improves the quality and health of the product. This issue is one of the most important factors in buying pure chicory spirit. The higher the purity of the product, the better its effect on the body, quality and taste. Microbial and laboratory testing of the product after production, having a healthy apple or a production license can prove the product's health.

Buy Kashan chicory extract
As you know, Kashan is the cradle of flowers and rose water, and due to its geographical location and the type of water and soil, the quality of Kashan spirits is better than other places, and most people are looking to buy original chicory spirit from Kashan. To buy original Kashan chicory perfume, you can refer to Gulab Raiha company or site, which is the best brand and company of perfumes and perfumes. In Gulab Raihe company, all kinds of organic rose water and spirits are produced by food engineers and nutrition experts with the latest methods and technologies of the world, and after many tests and quality and health tests, they are released to the market. This company is proud to get the statue of organic product and healthy food and the statue of the best taste, so you can buy original spirits from this company with peace of mind.

Online shopping for chicory extract
Due to the high volume of customers' demand to buy chicory spirit individually and in bulk from Gulab Raiha Company, Gulab Raiha Company has provided you with the opportunity to buy chicory spirit and other spirits online for the well-being of your loved ones by launching the Gulab Raiha website. By referring to the store section and herbal spirits group or through search, you can buy chicory spirit online and have it delivered to your home.

Bulk purchase of chicory sweat
On the Gulab Raiha website, it is possible to buy bulk chicory spirit and you can buy chicory spirit in 10 and 20 liter gallons by referring to the gallon products group in the store.

Buying Chicory and Shatre
Chicory and Shatre are two very useful and special herbs for treating diseases, and their combination is miraculous.

Since the nature of chicory sweat is cold and cool, combining it with shatre sweat, which has a moderate (neither hot nor cold) and dry nature, neutralizes the coldness of chicory and makes it healthy.

Among the properties of the combination of chicory and Shatrah tea can be mentioned the treatment of flatulence and bloating, cleaning the digestive tract, strengthening the stomach, increasing urination, relieving joint pain, treating fatty liver and purifying the blood.

You can refer to the link below to buy Shatrah perfume. And buy chicory sweat from the top of this page.

Mug sweat

Buy chicory and rose water
Rose syrup and chicory juice is one of the most popular herbal syrups. Due to the cold nature of chicory sweat and the warm nature of rose water, rose water is a very special balancer. On the other hand, the properties of rose water for the health of the body and the treatment of diseases are many, and it has always had a large audience.

The common properties of rose water and chicory in treating skin problems, cleansing and purifying the blood, brightening and cleansing the facial skin, removing facial acne, treating fatty liver, etc. encourage everyone to use these two herbal extracts at the same time. he does.

Herbal extracts for fatty liver

To buy all kinds of rose water, you can visit Kashan rose water group in the store.

The highest number of orders for gallon products on the Gulab Raiha website is related to the bulk purchase of rose water and chicory spirit.

Tips for buying chicory sweat
When buying chicory juice, we should pay attention to the characteristics of chicory juice and distinguish original chicory juice from non-original or impure.

Detection of original chicory sweat
Smelling chicory sweat cannot help you to distinguish whether it is genuine or fake because fake chicory sweat may have essential oils and a good smell. So pay attention to other features.

Buy from a reputable brand. The best herbal spirits company is the most reliable company and always provides you with a quality product. To find the best herbal spirits company, it is enough to look at the licenses, approvals and certificates and resume of that company. You will easily recognize the difference between reliable and non-reliable companies.

It is necessary to pay attention to licenses, Sib Salamat or the approval of the Ministry of Health when buying chicory extract.

What color is chicory sweat?
As we said in the article on how to distinguish genuine rose water from fake, original and pure chicory sweat has a transparent and uniform color. If chicory sweat has a cloudy color or impurities, do not buy chicory sweat.

The taste of chicory sweat
The taste of the original chicory is rather bitter or bitter, and its smell is like the smell of wet wood.

Persistence of chicory sweat
The shelf life of chicory extract, like other herbal extracts, is from 1 to 3 years, but you should pay attention to the expiration date and its storage conditions.

The price of chicory sweat
The price of pure and original chicory spirit is certainly not cheap, because the production of spirits with the necessary standards, testing the quality and health of the product, and other production steps have an effect on the price of chicory spirit.

The price of chicory spirit depends on its quality and quantity. On Gulab Raiha website, you can see the latest price of one liter of chicory spirit at the beginning of this page. To see the wholesale price of chicory spirit, you can refer to the gallon chicory spirit page.

The price of homemade chicory sweat
Chicory spirit, like other herbal spirits, can be produced at home, that's why the price of homemade chicory spirit does not have a specific value. But you should be sure of its quality and purity when buying homemade chicory sweat.

It should be noted that many people want to buy homemade chicory sweat because of the taste of chicory sweat, and the risk of doing so may be high. But according to our experience and resume, we can assure you that you will experience the unique taste and quality of home-made chicory liquor by buying a cup or a large glass of chicory liquor from Gulab Rahe company.

The price of chicory and Shatre sweat
You can use chicory and shutter sweat in combination. The price of chicory liquor is listed above. The price of 1 liter chicory liquor and 1 liter chicory liquor (1 1 liter chicory liquor and 1 1 liter chicory liquor) will be around 60 to 70 thousand tomans.

The best chicory sweat brand
The best brand of chicory spirit, Kadeh and Vahad chicory spirit are among the brands of Gulab Raiha company. Iraq Kasani Vast and Kadh have various licenses, including Sib Salamat, license from the Food and Drug Organization and the Ministry of Health.

How to use chicory sweat
The best time and way to consume half a glass of chicory juice is before each meal. Because if the stomach is empty and fasting, the speed and amount of absorption of food in the body is higher. If you need to know how to use chicory sweat for fatty liver, acne, etc., refer to the article on the properties of chicory sweat.

The maximum consumption of chicory sweat per day is 2 glasses. Consuming chicory sweat for children under two years of age and pregnant and lactating women should be done with the doctor's advice.

Important point for consuming chicory sweat:
Long-term consumption of chicory sweat causes a drop in blood pressure and an increase in bile secretions.

Consuming chicory sweat causes contraction of uterine muscles and may cause premature birth during pregnancy.

Consuming too much chicory sweat causes coughing and profuse sweating.

The recipe for drinking Shatre and chicory
By buying chicory and Shatreh spirit, you can consume an equal mixture of these two spirits or in a ratio of two to one (according to your temperament), before every meal, consume half a glass on an empty stomach.

Disadvantages of chicory sweat and shutter
The side effects and harms of Shatre's chicory sweat are related to its excessive use.

Excessive consumption of chicory sweat will cause the following problems. Sour stomach, low blood pressure, frequent urination, biliary problems, bleeding and miscarriage during pregnancy.

People who have epilepsy should not use Shatra. Excessive consumption of Chatra causes poisoning, diarrhea, muscle cramps and shortness of breath.

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