Cumin has a hot and dry character. Properties of cumin sweat:
Boosting immunity system
Weight Loss
Skin health
Hemorrhoid treatment
Aids in digestion
71,000 Toman
Cumin has a hot and dry nature. This plant is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, fiber, antioxidants and vitamin A.
Cumin sweat is astringent and drying. Using this sweat is useful for weight loss and slimming.
It has fat-burning properties and causes the loss of subcutaneous fat. The sweat of the cumin plant relieves false appetite.
It is diaphoretic and anticonvulsant. Consuming this sweat is useful for curing epilepsy. Consuming cumin sweat is effective in getting rid of stomach gas, it is useful for eliminating indigestion. It is menstrual and removes feminine secretions.
You can use cumin sweat to relieve intestinal and stomach bloating.
It increases the milk of mothers. It repels body toxins and relieves shortness of breath and hiccups.
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