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Drinking these herbal spirits to quench the thirst of fasting people

Drinking these herbal spirits to quench the thirst of fasting people

Drinking these herbal spirits to quench the thirst of fasting people

During the holy month of Ramadan, it is more difficult for fasting people to endure hunger, but thirst during the day bothers them. According to nutritionists, it is more important to pay attention to the amount of body water, mineral salts and vitamins in Ramadan.

Fasting in the hot season reduces body water. Body water is the most important factor that can cause problems for fasting people and even endanger their lives. Although consuming ice water initially quenches thirst, it eventually aggravates thirst. Therefore, in this article, we would like to introduce a number of herbal spirits that help quench the thirst of fasting people during the holy month of Ramadan.


Frequently Asked Questions

Instead of water and unnatural drinks, you can use herbal spirits to prepare syrup, or if you don't have the opportunity to make them or the raw materials, buy "organic herbal drinks without extensive additives". These drinks come in different flavors such as rose water. , burdock, saffron, etc. are available in the market. You can also buy directly from the manufacturer on the website of Gulab Raiha.
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